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Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Early Female Sex: Parental Negligence And Economic Penury

Despite their (the female) frailty and natural vulnerability, the female has always been the worst victim of any reprehensible and brazen societal act of any society. Could this be the orientation of the objectification of the females? Only the basis on which dastardly acts are carried out on them could tell.
The females have always been the participants of unpleasant sexual activity like: vicious rape, early marriage and the exchange of sexual pleasure for money and positions. A survey of girls that live in Itupate, Ota-Ona, Gbogbo, Obaale, dormitory suburbs of a city (Ikorodu) in Lagos, the former capital of Nigeria, shows that 75% of young girls never further in their education from O’ level, 35% couldn’t scale the hurdle to the Senior Secondary level, as they were stalked in Junior Secondary School 1, 2, 3, while 55% of those that made it to Senior Secondary level never got good grade when passing out. This leaves them to result to learning one or two vocational skills to get empowered for the seemingly bleak and uncertain future ahead of them. The reason for this lull that might lead to a permanent stop in their educational carrier can only be attributed to one factor – early sex which resulted to early maternity
The last time I paid a visit to one of my relatives that stays in Ikorodu on September 21, 2009 to be precise. My ears were filled with what I could not utter; my eyes say what would always linger in my memory. This moral disorder (early sex) has become a commonplace in the social activities of this suburb. Young girls now tout pregnancy as an expensive jewel that adorns the neck. They walked shoulder high with as if it was going out of fashion. Some will back their circumstance up by telling you that: “it is an ‘investment’ that would later bear fruits in the future. They have caved a niche for themselves in this societal immorality by flaunting their pending womanhood in the face of those that seek the Lord’s face night and day to be called by their baby’s name. The causative agents of this social thoughtlessness can not be distant from the inattention of the parents, who are to serve as a guide and watchmen to the young and the economic inability of the latter, which renders them ignorant and helpless in the face of this shameful act.
85% of the parents in this place have much of their physical exertion and attention put in their various trade and businesses, which they believe if okay, could put smiles on the lips of the family. Thereby, caring less about the fruits of the home (the children). This only reason keeps them far from home six days in a week as they spend many hours on their businesses. Seven o’clock p.m. has become an odd time of arrival, because business activities has just started.
During this time of the absence of the parents at home, children are left to meander from house to house, in order to overcome their loneliness. This places them (especially the females) at a close range for the predators’ catch. Some go to houses under the guise of watching latest home videos and they never live better to tell the story. In absence of parental watch and security, men old enough to sire them, who cannot control their libidos, lull them into coerced sex. There was even a story of a man who cashed in on the innocence of a young girl by telling her to help him with the buying of the popular noodles called Indomie and some eggs in a nearby grocery stall, to make for his breakfast. The girl later came out of his room with a profusely bleeding virginal. But for the people that rescued her to, she would have given up, becoming a total victim of coerced sexual irresponsibility.
Parents are now left with bitter pill to swallow as option to save their faces from shame
(abortion). A girl (name withheld) which is believed to be 15years of age, who lives in one of the suburbs (Itupate) in Ikorodu, banked on the confidence of a brother mine to (name withheld) reflect her sexual ordeal and the penchant she has developed for the act. In her words: “The last sex I had resulted to pregnancy after it had evaded the effectiveness of the pill which was given to me by the boy who had it with me. The thing later made me pregnant, if not for the conscious and spirited move of my parent who took me to where I aborted it; I would have been its ‘candidate’ by now. Can you believe it? The aborted pregnancy was almost two months old. The doctor warned my family to tell me that I should stay off sex for six months, that due to the multiple abortions I had had before the recent one, I might risk my life if I had one again. But I can’t just stay off sex for a week, my body tempts me.

……to be continued.

• This true life story was compiled by Joseph Omotayo.

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